Modeselektor, Aparat and Mouse on Mars at the Roundhouse in Camden. Aparat with a ridiculously awsome set and a reasonably good crowd aloud for some quality boogieing even near the front. Modeselektor continued the awsomeness with their live show including spraying champange into the front row. Epic show.
Onto the Village Underground for the afterparty with Modeselektor and Aparat DJ sets. Much more space to dance at this party and a generally good vibe. On the way home we met a couple of Italian dudes and went back to their place and had some good chats for an hour or so. Got home and quickly packed a bag then off to Hyde park for some more good times and to Skype everyone on my phone.
Bus to Hamstead Heath to meet Hamish and Danica for their engagement celebrations. More boozing on the Heath then onto the Pub to meet Ham, Dan and Bonar. Eventually home for an early night.

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